Tag: Sleep

  • King of Rest 2016

    King of Rest 2016

    In my 2.5 years of parenting I’ve acquired many new physical and mental skills. I can cook dinner one-handed, survive Costco with a toddler, cruise the carpool lane at all times (yes, this is a skill), conduct conference calls holding a kid, concentrate amidst body-cringing screams, and sleep nearly anywhere.

  • Mama Speaks #23

    Mama Speaks #23

    It only took 30 years to truly appreciate the wonderful effects of the red, coat-your-throat, alcoholy goodness, that is nighttime cold medicine.

  • Mama Speaks #14

    Mama Speaks #14

    She could never sleep with us. The parenting world is full of enough theories, techniques, and experts to make your head spin. There’s the breastfeeding/formula discussion, Ferber/CIO/something else decision, working parents vs. stay-at-home parents, best way to introduce solids, which stroller to buy, which car seat is best, UGH.

  • Worst Parenting Advice Ever

    Worst Parenting Advice Ever

    As soon as people find out you are having a baby, they are eager to give advice, whether or not it is actually solicited. In their defense they are just excited for you and have been waiting to share their acquired wisdom. And when said advice is first heard, it sounds glorious, as if each…

  • Mama Speaks #7

    Mama Speaks #7

    If we were in a Facebook relationship, it would be ‘It’s Complicated’. Mrs. FWL said this to Isabel yesterday on Father’s Day, and it couldn’t be more true sometimes. We want them to nap, they want to play. We want them to eat food slightly chunky, they only eat pulverized puree. We want them to explore…

  • Mama Speaks #2

    Mama Speaks #2

    It’s like a war zone in there. Isabel is now in her crib, sans swaddle. She is free. And she is crazy. Seriously, it’s crib gymnastics in there. The blanket is in one place, the lovey in another, her body is contorted in all directions, it’s a mess. We even had to install mesh bumpers…

  • Eat, Sleep, Poop: The First 100 Days

    Eat, Sleep, Poop: The First 100 Days

    Everyone makes a big deal out of “The First 100 Days” of a President’s term. Well, Isabel runs our house, kind of like the President runs the country, so this is equally important. RIGHT?!? A few days after we returned from the hospital, we downloaded an app that allowed us to track Isabel’s essential functions…