Category: Mama Speaks

  • Mama Speaks #27

    Mama Speaks #27

    Part of parenting is being inundated with kid’s entertainment. The only problem with kid entertainment is that it’s typically super catchy, super annoying, and super repetitive.

  • Mama Speaks #26

    Mama Speaks #26

    Do you ever get jealous of Diego? I just saw him, and got a little jealous. Rest is something adults don’t get nearly enough of, and I’m not even talking about parents. There are plenty of folks who work long hours, multiple jobs, take care of others, and barely have enough time to eat, poop,…

  • Mama Speaks #25

    Mama Speaks #25

    I never thought that after six years of higher education, I would have so little control over my own life. First UC Berkeley. Then UCLA. Now, The Institute of Obeying your Toddler. Let’s face it, before having a toddler, we (at least I know I did) had grand thoughts that our kids would never control us. We…

  • Mama Speaks #24

    Mama Speaks #24

    Distraction eating should be an Olympic sport. Mealtime with a toddler is always an experience. Sometimes it’s easy, and they eat whatever you give them. Other times, it’s a bit challenging, and they need encouragement or coercion. And then there are the times when they claim to be done before we’ve even had our first…

  • Mama Speaks #23

    Mama Speaks #23

    It only took 30 years to truly appreciate the wonderful effects of the red, coat-your-throat, alcoholy goodness, that is nighttime cold medicine.

  • Mama Speaks #22

    Mama Speaks #22

    The minute you have kids, your sense of time becomes warped. And you feel old.

  • Mama Speaks #21

    Mama Speaks #21

    Isabel is in this stage where she goes from adorable to satanic to hilarious to unbearable to adorable, within the same breath.