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Mama Speaks #25

I never thought that after six years of higher education, I would have so little control over my own life.

First UC Berkeley. Then UCLA. Now, The Institute of Obeying your Toddler. Let’s face it, before having a toddler, we (at least I know I did) had grand thoughts that our kids would never control us. We would stand firm. Set boundaries. Make it known who was boss. Pfffff.

There comes a point when parents quickly learn the art of picking battles (something I’m still figuring out). And then we learn that most battles still aren’t worth picking. The mere thought of tipping the scales toward endless chrining and fish-flopping-tantrums is rarely worth asserting our authority over a human that has little concept of authority.

And so regardless of how learned we are, how many degrees we may hold collectively, and what our professions might be, much of our life is still controlled by a 3-foot monster who terrifies us to the point of submission and causes us to question every decision we make.


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