Month: July 2015

  • “Cat” – Convos With My 4-Year-Old

    “Cat” – Convos With My 4-Year-Old



    We are a cat house. Our two cats have been with Mama FWL and me for 8 years and they were our first “children”. So all you cat haters out there can go find something else to read (please don’t go!).

  • I Went Metro

    I Went Metro

    Ask most LA residents if they’ve ever taken the Metro, and you’ll probably get a blank stare, “We have a Metro? A subway?” Yep, and I’ve spent the last 2.5+ years riding it, every day. And man, have I seen some things (and wished I hadn’t seen others).

  • Before & After Kids: Going out to Dinner

    Before & After Kids: Going out to Dinner

    Kids make any situation more complicated. Enjoyable activities shared with your partner before kids are still enjoyable (most of the time), but more involved. There is more stuff to pack, schedules to juggle (like sleeping), and variables to prepare for. Going out to dinner is no different.

  • Mamas Speak #19

    Mamas Speak #19

    As parents, I think that loving our kids is inherent, so I would argue that keeping them healthy and safe share the top spot in the “parental duties checklist”. But what are you supposed to do when foreign variables are introduced into your normally predictable life that pose serious danger to your curious toddler but…

  • “Fore” – Convos With My 4-year Old

    “Fore” – Convos With My 4-year Old



    I started playing sports when I was 5. Beginning with the “gateway” sport, soccer, and progressing through baseball, track, basketball, and ultimate frisbee (yes, that is a sport), I’ve been playing organized sports all my life. This doesn’t event count the unorganized dabblings in golf, ping pong, football, laser tag, and mud-running.

  • “Friends” – Convos With My 4-Year-Old

    “Friends” – Convos With My 4-Year-Old



    Friendships aren’t easy. Some last forever, some end sooner than anticipated, and others serve a temporary purpose and fade away without any fanfare. I’d like Isabel to develop solid friendships and sometimes even wonder just how she will do that (how do kids “make” friends?). But I also know my little angel can be very…

  • 6 Steps to Traveling with a Toddler

    We recently took our first real trip as a family. It wasn’t a simple trip, and like anything else new with a kid, we learned a few things. So here are 6 “easy” steps to traveling with a toddler.