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Mama Speak #16

How? How? How? HOW?

Kids are amazing. They surprise you at every turn with new skills, developing language (I *think* we heard “pease” tonight, but I can’t be sure), and an uncanny ability to find (and hide) things.

Isabel has a bookshelf FULL of books in both her room and the living room. There are books on the floor, on the backseat of the car, on the floor of the car; they’re are probably some in our bathroom for all I know. She has her favorites, that we read over and over and over again, to the point that we have to entertain ourselves by turning them into a performance.

Then there are the books that she loves so much that she will pull them down and obsessively shove them in our face for the gazillionth time. And despite our best efforts at hiding them among the plethora of other paperbacks, she is able to spot it and pull it down. HOW!!!!???? How do her eagle eyes find it? Do we have to bury it? Ugh.

**SPOILER ALERT – The old lady swallows a horse and dies. **


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