dancing toddler

Dancing Toddlers are the Best

Isabel has started dancing non-stop. She dances to pop hits, clapping, nursery rhyme instrumentals, and the music in her head. Pandora is basically like a fourth member of our household (sixth if you count the cats).

The most interesting thing, and Mrs. FWL pointed this out, is that she seemingly figured it out on her own. How does she know what dancing is? It’s not as if we watch reruns of Soul Train or waltz around the house, and So You Think You Can Dance? isn’t even on for a couple months.

She’s got the hip roll, foot stomp, fist pump, hand clap, and whatever a toddler squatting is called. She’s even trying to snap! And if she was toddling two years ago, she might have made a cameo in this video:



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