Month: May 2015

  • Before & After Kids: Leaving the House

    Before & After Kids: Leaving the House

    We’ve already established that once you have kids your photo stream looks much different, your weekends are more tiring than ever, and every car ride is an unpredictable adventure. But even something as simple as leaving the house, becomes exponentially more complicated with a child.

  • Dancing Toddlers are the Best

    Dancing Toddlers are the Best

    Isabel has started dancing non-stop. She dances to pop hits, clapping, nursery rhyme instrumentals, and the music in her head. Pandora is basically like a fourth member of our household (sixth if you count the cats).

  • Mama Speak #16

    Mama Speak #16

    Kids are amazing. They surprise you at every turn with new skills, developing language (I *think* we heard “pease” tonight, but I can’t be sure), and an uncanny ability to find (and hide) things.

  • Crap Toddlers Get Away With

    Crap Toddlers Get Away With

    Life with a young toddler can often feel like a constant game of Charades. Additionally, they can do or “say” virtually anything, and get away with things that adults could only dream about.

  • The Teachers In My Life

    The Teachers In My Life

    It makes me proud to see my kid have what seems to be an early thirst for education. I can can thank the strong women educators in her life for that – mama, Grandma, and Ita.

  • Kids React: Rotary Phones

    Kids React: Rotary Phones



    My kid is barely a year and a half and she is already obsessed with technology. But holy crap, I can’t even imagine what technology will be like when she’s our age.