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Mama Speaks #14

She could never sleep with us.

The parenting world is full of enough theories, techniques, and experts to make your head spin. There’s the breastfeeding/formula discussion, Ferber/CIO/something else decision, working parents vs. stay-at-home parents, best way to introduce solids, which stroller to buy, which car seat is best, UGH.

Then there’s the co-sleeping vs. crib camps. If you can co-sleep, then all the power to you. But the thought of our child contorting themselves into crazy positions during sleep is definitely not something we could handle. I’ve watched the baby monitor, I see the crib gymnastics my child is capable of, and I choose sleep. And not having my eyes poked out.

The other problem is that Isabel is not a cuddler. If she snuggles for more than 15 seconds at a time, it’s a victory (or she’s sick, and nobody wins). Sometimes we bring her into our bed for a few minutes on weekend mornings, and are lucky if we don’t get socked or kicked in the face in those few short minutes. So, needless to say, we chose crib. She has her bed and we have ours. If she wants to do somersaults, kick up her legs, and sprawl out when she sleeps, then all the power to her, but not in my bed!

(And the temperature is wrong on the monitor, so don’t think we have our kid in a sauna.)


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