father nation podcast seth burleigh

I’ve Learned a Few Things: Father Nation Podcast

In the last 17 months, I’ve come to believe that the entire parenthood experience is one that, at its core, can be shared by most parents.

Sure, our kids might be different ages, and we might live in different places, but we’ve all been up in the middle of the night, taken care of a sick child, consoled our baby through the teething saga, and held our child as doctors poked and prodded.

All things considered, our own parenting journey far has been relatively smooth. Easy, no. But pretty smooth, yes. Of course there have been bumps along the way, and while parents (including myself) love to complain about the little things, in the grand scheme of it all, there is honestly little I have to complain about (right now at least). Isabel is healthy, happy, and loved. She sleeps like a rock, eats well (most of the time), and has a thirst for reading.

Today, I am on the Father Nation podcast, talking about the little I have learned in this short period of time. While I am a parent in the literal sense of the word, I don’t believe I have had to really parent yet. These early months are about meeting Isabel’s needs, trying to develop some decent habits, and learning how to support Mrs. FWL. We have not had to discipline, discuss etiquette, or deal with emotional topics (other than why she gets upset during bath one day and not the other), and I’d be lying if I said I was ready for any of those. But one thing I have learned, and now believe to be an almost universal truth in parenthood (and probably life), is that until you’re “in it”, the preparation is almost futile.

You can listen right here:


And head on over to Father Nation to hear some of the other fantastic dads Jesse Foster has had on his show.


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