Month: July 2014

  • Mama Speaks #8

    Mama Speaks #8

    Can I Google ‘How to make your baby laugh?’ Just like adults, some babies laugh more than others. Isabel has always been, and still is, more of a serious baby. She observes everything, soaks it all in, and then, if you’re lucky, shows some emotion. Early on, she was a tough nut to crack. She…

  • 9 & 10 Month Update

    9 & 10 Month Update

    This update is combined for two reasons. The first is that I always seems to neglect these monthly updates until days before her next monthly-birthday, and secondly, these two months are very related – splitting them up would have been too confusing for me and thus you, and I care about your feelings. So without…

  • Worst Parenting Advice Ever

    Worst Parenting Advice Ever

    As soon as people find out you are having a baby, they are eager to give advice, whether or not it is actually solicited. In their defense they are just excited for you and have been waiting to share their acquired wisdom. And when said advice is first heard, it sounds glorious, as if each…

  • “Coffee Table” – Convos With My 2-Year-Old

    “Coffee Table” – Convos With My 2-Year-Old



    We all have those inanimate objects that hold special places in our hearts – stuffed animals, jewelry, artwork, souvenirs, and even furniture. I mean, Mrs. FWL and I are getting a new couch and getting rid of some of the first pieces of furniture that we bought together eight years ago when we graduated from Ikea.…

  • “The Elevator” – Convos With My 2-Year Old

    “The Elevator” – Convos With My 2-Year Old



    Isabel has recently found a new “decibel” in her voice, and Mrs. FWL and I are already envisioning her as a toddler, publicly voicing her displeasure with something, or just freaking out because she has a hair on her nose. Now imagine you’re with an “unhappy” toddler…in public…in a confined space…like an elevator!

  • “Electricity” – Convos With My 2-Year Old

    “Electricity” – Convos With My 2-Year Old



    The closest “discussion” I’ve even had about safety with Isabel is…well, we haven’t really had any discussions because she has no clue what I’mg saying. So Mrs. FWL and I just try our hardest to redirect her when she starts messing with the electronics, support her so she doesn’t smash her face on the bricks,…